Don't you love how a hardy rain can wash away the blanket of smog that covers the San Gabriel Valley on a daily basis?
As I drove along the good ole' 57 N on my way home from school this afternoon I was completely taken by the lovely site of the snow covered mountains set against the backdrop of a crystal clear blue sky! I wish I had taken a picture of the lovely view, or at least that I had a camera to TRY to take a picture with for that matter!
Unfortunately my camera has recently and mysteriously taken a turn for the worst. The damn thing won’t even turn on! On Monday morning I took my sick little camera to Best Buy to see if the homies over at the geek squad counter could help me out. Much to my surprise, the 2year warranty my mama bought for it expired in December, but out of the kindness of his heart the geek looked at my camera anyway! Thanks dude! Too bad he was just as puzzled as me as to what was wrong. He suggested I try replacing the battery before investing real money to get it fixed or replace it all together!
We headed over to the camera section to get my battery where we were quickly informed that the one I need is no longer sold at Best Buy because it’s outdated! Then, in true sales person fashion, he made sure to show me the latest and greatest model of my camera in the event that I decided to update my dinosaur of a picture taker. Although this was probably the tightest camera I have ever seen in my life, the $400 in my bank account is much tighter. At this time I swiftly decided to get outta there before he swindled me outta my money.
Last night I bought a set of 2 generic batteries for about $16 on eBay! I really hope that’s all my camera needs! Not only do I love my camera and want it back to take pictures of my travels but I REALLY don’t want to buy a new one! So cross your fingers for me and in a short 7-11 business days we will see what’s going to happen next!
Enjoy this sunny southern california day! Here's a picture of the mountain view from my house... No snow but still pretty!(thanks for letting me borrow your camera mom)