Thursday, February 18, 2010



If cell phone companies weren't to clever charging their crazy early termination fees I would have turned this sucka' off long ago. I am currently rockin the LG enV2, this happens to be the fourth enV2 I've owned. The exact same issues I had with the past three phones are beginnging to happen again. The OK and 0 buttons no longer work (super annoying)and without any sort of warning the phone just shuts off! Sometimes I will be in the middle of a call, other times it will be when I am trying to send a text, its the best when I am not even touching the thing and it just turns itself off. I should have learned from the drama with the past phones that the same thing would happen again but... those sneeky Verizon people kept telling me that the glitches were unique to each phone or that the issue had been worked out of the phone design! Yea F'in right, I got hustled if you ask me.

Eddie's sister happens to have a phone IDENTICAL to mine and she lent until I can afford a working phone. However, I see absoutly no point in driving yet another phone into the ground! The phone is in my retired mom's name and every month I am supposed to pay her for 1/3 of the bill, which I never do on time! I actually need to take 44 dollars out of the bank today that I owed her 2 weeks ago! Ugh I'd much rather have 44 dollars then this paper weight calling itself a phone! Even if my phone was cool (like Eddie's iPhone) I still dont use the thing enough to justify paying for it. I just want to turn it off!

Now Now... none of you wonderful readers need to worry too much, you are still going to be able to contact me with amazing ease! It wasnt that long ago that every single person ages 10-90 didn't own a cell phone, I have no doubt that I will be just fine without it. First of all, I am a Facebook addict so you can Facebook me all day and all night if your little heart desires. I also have an email address that I check 20 times a day. In addition the core 5 people I talk to everyday are the exact same people I spend the most time with. All of these people have cell phones and If you need me, you are more then welcome to call one of them to hunt me down! If all else fails send me some snail mail! With the exception of bills I love getting letters and I would love to hear from ya!

If for any reason you are still unable to find me its probobly because I just dont want to be found! March 17 cant get here soon enough as far as I am concerned!

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