Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Lovely Day

Since watching Julie and Julia a few days ago I have been flirting with the idea of starting up my own blog. So... this afternoon, in an effort to prolong doing homework, I DID IT. If you are wondering what this blog is going to be about I will tell you now that I am wondering exactly the same thing! However, I do know that I never run out of things to say and somthing intestesting is always going on somewhere around me! So until next time I hope you are having a LOVELY day :)

Lovely Lesley

1 comment:

  1. hello fellow blogger! is mine completely blocked so no one can see mine??? or can u see it all becuz ur my friend all ready i want it so that only people i add can see ittt... hmmm?? any ideas on how to do that love u b-t-w
